Results for 'Mordechai Roland Lipo'

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  1.  7
    Lev ḥadash: filosofyah, medaʻ ṿe-emunat Yiśraʼel le-nokhaḥ etgere ha-zeman.Mordechai Roland Lipo - 2014 - Tel-Aviv: Sifre Ḥemed.
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    Evidence amalgamation in the sciences: an introduction.Roland Poellinger, Jürgen Landes & Samuel C. Fletcher - 2019 - Synthese 196 (8):3163-3188.
    Amalgamating evidence from heterogeneous sources and across levels of inquiry is becoming increasingly important in many pure and applied sciences. This special issue provides a forum for researchers from diverse scientific and philosophical perspectives to discuss evidence amalgamation, its methodologies, its history, its pitfalls, and its potential. We situate the contributions therein within six themes from the broad literature on this subject: the variety-of-evidence thesis, the philosophy of meta-analysis, the role of robustness/sensitivity analysis for evidence amalgamation, its bearing on questions (...)
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    Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal.Robert C. Baker & Roland Cap Ehlke (eds.) - 2010 - Concordia Pub. House.
    Do human beings share a common morality? Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal presents engaging essays from contemporary Lutheran scholars, teachers, and pastors, each offering a fresh reappraisal of natural law within the context of historic Lutheran teaching and practice. Thought provoking questions following each essay will help readers apply key Bible texts associated with natural law to their daily lives.
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    Being human: Why and in what sense it is morally relevant.Roland Kipke - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (2):148-158.
    The debate on the question of the moral status of human beings and the boundaries of the moral community has long been dominated by the antagonism between personism and speciesism: either certain mental properties or membership of the human species is considered morally crucial. In this article, I argue that both schools of thought are equally implausible in major respects, and that these shortcomings arise from the same reason in both cases: a biological notion of being human. By contrast, I (...)
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    Perceiving by proxy: Effect-based action control with unperceivable effects.Roland Pfister, Christina U. Pfeuffer & Wilfried Kunde - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):251-261.
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    Le sanctuaire d’Apollon.Roland Etienne & Francis Prost - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (2):624-627.
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    Propositions in the Making: Experiments in a Whiteheadian Laboratory.Roland Faber, Michael Halewood & Andrew Davis (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Rather than a “logical assertion,” Whitehead described a proposition as a “lure for feeling” for a collectivity to come. The unique contributions in Propositions in the Making articulate the newest reaches of Whiteheadian propositions for a postmodern world.
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    Augustine's philosophy of memory.Roland Teske - 2001 - In Eleonore Stump & Norman Kretzmann, The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 148--158.
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    Liberal democracy into the twenty-first century: globalization, integration, and the nation-state.Roland Axtmann - 1996 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press.
    This book offers a contemporary critique of liberal democracy, understood as a set of institutions and as a set of ideas.
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    In between: Immigration, distributive justice, and political dialogue.Roland Axtmann - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (4):415-434.
    How is distributive justice possible with respect to immigration if political decisions about entry and membership cannot be grounded in the symmetry of a prior commonality, human or otherwise, that could guarantee reciprocal relations between members and nonmembers? This paper deals with both aspects of this question. Initially, it engages critically with Seyla Benhabib's plea for ‘dialogical universalism,’ showing why the strong discontinuity between political and moral reciprocity precludes understanding distributive justice as the process of mediating between political particularity and (...)
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  11. Roman Historical Exempla in Seneca.Roland G. Mayer - 2008 - In John G. Fitch, Seneca. New York: Oxford University Press.
  12.  75
    (1 other version)Marxism and religion.Roland N. Stromberg - 1979 - Studies in East European Thought 19 (3):209-217.
  13.  98
    Properties of God and the predicaments in 'de trinitate' V.Roland J. Teske - 1981 - Modern Schoolman 59 (1):1 - 20.
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    Saint Augustine on the Incorporeality of the Soul in Letter 166.Roland J. Teske - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 60 (3):170-188.
  15.  55
    The Origin of the Soul in St. Augustine's Later Works. By Robert J. O'Connell.Roland J. Teske - 1988 - Modern Schoolman 66 (1):71-77.
  16. The formation of the modern state-a reconstruction of Weber, Max arguments.Roland Axtmann - 1990 - History of Political Thought 11 (2):295-311.
  17. Society, globalization and the comparative method.Roland Axtmann - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (2):53-74.
  18.  41
    Virgil and The Sibyl.Roland G. Austin - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (2):100-105.
    If the Bucolics as a whole ‘ look on us with dark enigmatical eyes,’ for long no more impenetrable darkness and no more compelling enigma could be found than that of the fourth poem in the collection. But Skutsch, the authors of Virgil's Messianic Eclogue, and more recently Mr. Royds in his Virgil and Isaiah, have done much to solve its many mysteries. Their efforts, however, were mainly directed towards the problems of fact contained in the Eclogue, and so far (...)
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  19.  20
    The Correlational Structure of Natural Images and the Calibration of Spatial Representations.Roland Baddeley - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (3):351-372.
    Physiologists have long proposed that correlated input activity is important in normal sensory development. Here it is postulated that the visual system is sensitive to the correlation in image intensity across the visual field, and that these correlations are used to help calibrate spatial representations. Since measurements made near to each other in the visual field are more correlated than measurements made at a distance, the degree of correlation can be used as an estimate of the distance between two measurements (...)
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  20.  17
    Jalons pour une approche de la presse de la France meridionale a l'epoque revolutionnaire.Roland Andreani - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (4):471-478.
  21.  32
    Terence, Adelphi 350.Roland G. Austin - 1925 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):104-106.
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    Virgilian Assonance.Roland G. Austin - 1929 - Classical Quarterly 23 (1):46-55.
    In the Classical Quarterly for April, 1927, I tried to show how Virgil, in his fourth Eclogue, introduced assonance and even rhyme to contribute in part to the ‘Sibylline’ atmosphere of the poem. Since then I have further investigated this question of assonance in Virgil's poetry, with what appear interesting results.
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  23. Language is not just speech: A functional approach to different modes of linguistic representation.Roland Harweg - forthcoming - Semiotica.
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    Le «Quaestiones De sensu» attribuite a Oresme e Alberto di Sassonia. Edizione a cura di Joie Agrimi.Roland Hissette - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (62):271-271.
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  25. Encounter: The educational metamorphoses of Jane Roland Martin.Leonard J. Waks & Jane Roland Martin - 2007 - Education and Culture 23 (1):73-83.
  26.  26
    "Atheism and Alienation: A Study of the Philosophical Sources of Contemporary Atheism," by Patrick Masterson. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1974 - Modern Schoolman 52 (1):111-111.
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    Anselm and a New Generation. By Gillian Rosemary Evans. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 60 (2):127-128.
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    "Experience, Inference and God," by John J. Shepherd. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1977 - Modern Schoolman 54 (4):419-420.
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    "Friedrich Nietzsche: Philosopher of Culture," by Frederick Copleston. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (4):427-427.
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  30.  48
    "Karl Jaspers: Philosophy as Faith," by Leonard Ehrlich. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1977 - Modern Schoolman 54 (3):273-274.
  31.  17
    "Kritik und Praxis: Zur Geschichte des Kritikbegriffs von Kant bis Marx," by Kurt Röttgers. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (4):435-436.
  32.  31
    Le dilemme du concours divin. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1959 - Modern Schoolman 36 (4):304-305.
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    "Motion and Motion's God: Thematic Variations in Aristotle, Cicero, Newton and Hegel," by Michael J. Buckley, S.J. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1974 - Modern Schoolman 51 (2):173-174.
  34.  26
    "Oppositions of Religious Doctrines: A Study in the Logic of Dialogue among Religions," by William A. Christian. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1974 - Modern Schoolman 52 (1):114-114.
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    Soundings in St. Augustine's Imagination. By Robert J. O'Connell. [REVIEW]Roland Teske - 1994 - Modern Schoolman 72 (1):83-85.
  36.  32
    "St. Thomas Aquinas 1274-1974: Commemorative Studies," 2 vols., ed. Armand Maurer, C. S. B.; Foreword by Etienne Gilson. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1975 - Modern Schoolman 53 (1):89-93.
  37.  17
    Time and Reality in American Philosophy. By Bertrand P. Helm. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1989 - Modern Schoolman 66 (3):240-242.
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    "The Epistemology of G. E. Moore," by E. D. Klemke. [REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1970 - Modern Schoolman 48 (1):71-73.
  39.  23
    Bonaventura, Itinerario dell'anima a Dio. Breviloquio. Riconduzione delle arti alla teologia. Introduzione, traduzione, prefazioni e note di Letterio Mauro. [REVIEW]Roland Hissette - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (62):262-263.
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  40. Sefer Maʼamar Mordechai: a practical guide for everyday living in accordance with our Torah and revered sages.Mordechai Markel Kalifon - 1989 - Toronto, Ont.: Printed by T.H. Best Co..
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  41. Camus, Nietzsche, and the Absurd: Rebellion and Scorn versus Humor and Laughter.Mordechai Gordon - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (2):364-378.
    Throughout his relatively short life, Albert Camus struggled with nihilism and the absurd nature of human existence. Indeed, many of his writings deal with the problem of nihilism and with the issues of suicide, murder, suffering, and mass death. Always serious in his writings yet never resorting to cynicism or despair, Camus advocated rebellion as a response to nihilism. The choice of rebellion as a response to the absurdity of human existence makes sense when one realizes that his life spanned (...)
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  42. Roland Barthes the pianist: The mediation of his music ('Barthes and Utopia':'Space, Travel, Writing'by Diana Knight).Roland A. Champagne - 1999 - Semiotica 123 (3-4):357-366.
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    Learning to laugh at ourselves: Humor, self‐transcendence, and the cultivation of moral virtues.Mordechai Gordon - 2010 - Educational Theory 60 (6):735-749.
    In this essay Mordechai Gordon begins to address the neglect of humor among philosophers of education by focusing on some interesting connections between humor, self‐transcendence, and the development of moral virtues. More specifically, he explores the kind of humor that makes fun of oneself and how it can affect educational encounters. Gordon begins his analysis by discussing the nature and purpose of humor in general, while distinguishing it from laughter and amusement. In the next part of the essay, he (...)
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  44. Roland Boer, In the Vale of Tears. On Marxism and Theology V.Historical Materialism Book Series 52.Roland Boer - 2014
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    Teachers as Absurd Heroes: Camus’ Sisyphus and the Promise of Rebellion.Mordechai Gordon - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (6).
    Inspired by Camus’ portrayal of Sisyphus, this essay examines the act of teaching as an absurd profession, one that faces numerous obstacles and challenges and continually falls short of its intended goals. I begin my analysis by demonstrating that Camus’ understanding of the absurd was heavily influenced by Nietzsche’s conception of nihilism. I argue that for Camus the sense of absurdity comes from the conflict between humans’ longing for order and meaning and the disorder and meaninglessness that we experience in (...)
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  46. Looking through script: Roland barthes'literal ideographism Birgit mersmann.Roland Barthes'literal Ideographism - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte, Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  47. The moral balance model: Theory and research extending our understanding of moral choice and deviation.Mordechai Nisan - 1991 - In William M. Kurtines & Jacob L. Gewirtz, Handbook of moral behavior and development. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum. pp. 3--213.
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  48.  46
    Vérité et Royauté.Roland Jean Akiki - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:379-391.
    Une approche philosophique de la prière à des fins politiques est possible dans le cas où les deux substantifs sont mis en relais inconditionnel. Le premier élément responsable de cette filature des liens c’est la présence de l’autre. Prier et faire de la politique sont deux activités humaines trop humaines qui exigent l’ouverture à l’autre, pour l’autre comme pour l’édification de sa propre identité individuelle et collective. Comme les rites et les cultes, la liturgie, notamment la prière collective, a un (...)
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    Die Annalen des Jahres 711 v. Chr. nach Prismenfragmenten aus Ninive und Assur.Mordechai Cogan & Andreas Fuchs - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):292.
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  50. Etre matérialiste à l'âge des Lumières: hommage offert à Roland Desné.Roland Desné, Beatrice Fink & Gerhardt Stenger (eds.) - 1999 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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